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Commercial 8-month-old girl with heart attacks abuse
Commercial 8-month-old girl with heart attacks abuse
Cry short of the stringent eight-month-old girl on the day always resound in his small house. Each night, a heart attack abusing a child is the inability of poetry before the young couple unfortunate ...
Under the mild sunny days last summer, according to the provincial road, we find the family visited Mr. Do Van Tai (b. 1983), at around 7, Khanh Cuong commune, Yen Khanh district, Ninh Binh province. Small house adjacent to road edges where the rural poor accounted for. Seen from outside, the house seems quiet but the other side of the walls seemed a little peace.

Bewildered eyes of poor children
Surprised by the visit of the stranger and the eyes is clear that the girls looked at us with eyes rolled seemed bewildered. Her eyes as filled with so many physical pain from birth that she suffered. The pain of abuse every night seems to have imprinted on innocent faces full of pale and weak.

Married since 2006, so far the couple Do Van Tai and Ms. Oanh PhamThi have two children together. I Do Xuan Mai has a large round four years, young children are full of Do Thu Huong just eight months old.

Not as lucky as any other child, when born baby Thu Huong had to bring in their congenital heart disease. Center of pouring vote with us, she hugged the child Oanh has little pampering for me not to cry, just remember the sadness in time past. Like many couples, you always hope will jointly nurture a happy family with healthy children, but life is not only fun, but sometimes filled with sadness.

When she was four months old Thu Huong, one day suddenly there are abnormal, such as cough, shortness of breath and constant crying. Worrying about your child's health status, you rush to her doctor at the hospital in Ninh Binh province. There, doctors diagnosed her with congenital heart disease inter-ventricular, pulmonary hypertension, should be referred to hospital for surgery Paediatrics time.

Ms. Oanh hug Thu Huong, choked chat
Commercial sad because I've spent sick, depressing than the thought of running for the cure. Because the cost of surgery for a heart operation up to tens of million, a young couple struggling all year with four field nests may only have enough to eat as much then, knowing where to dig such a large amount.

Love you, Tai eked around to take him to Hanoi for treatment. But with 5 million loan is small, the couple just enough to pay for medical examination, ECG and ultrasound to buy some medicine for her pity Thu Huong then hold the home in that laments the extreme.

Insert the thin hands quickly brushed the tears rolling down his face because of the hard black darkening of everyday life, she confided to us like step-by-voice: "Let me back up a few days the pain, not bear feeding eating nothing but ho nursed and then crying. Sometimes it hurts, I glazed it became as lifeless. My wife and I hurt much, but did not know how. Economic families based on four field nests so hard just enough to eat every day is lucky then. "

Every day at work outside the farm, husband to watch the village women, my wife just looked at the children received extra embroidery to earn extra income. Thu Huong frequently baby crying so she also enlisted a little evening. Each day the wages are 50 to 10 thousand dollars is not enough money to buy milk for children.

Thương bé gái 8 tháng tuổi với những cơn đau tim hành hạ

Tiếng khóc ngằn ngặt của bé gái 8 tháng tuổi ngày qua ngày luôn vang vọng trong ngôi nhà nhỏ bé ấy. Từng đêm, cơn đau tim vẫn hành hạ đứa con thơ trước sự bất lực của đôi vợ chồng trẻ bất hạnh…

Dưới cái nắng nhẹ những ngày cuối hè, theo con đường tỉnh lộ, chúng tôi tìm về thăm gia đình anh Đỗ Văn Tài (sinh năm 1983), ở xóm 7, xã Khánh Cường, huyện Yên Khánh, tỉnh Ninh Bình. Căn nhà nhỏ nằm sát mép đường nơi vùng quê nghèo chiêm trũng. Nhìn từ ngoài, căn nhà có vẻ yên bình nhưng phía trong những bức tường kia dường như chẳng chút bình yên.

The couple and child poverty diseases
Reportedly, his family and sister Oanh Finance has also been applied to several organizations to grant free heart surgery for babies Thu Huong, but has not heard back. Hopefully one day she Thu Huong was cured to a small house he no longer cries every night ...

Hold your little baby in hand, off we go, look at her innocent eyes looking toward hard on us and wear thin design of our young mother that we secretly hope for a future good will early to the baby.
Trường hợp
Name Đỗ Thu Hương
Address Xóm 7, xã Khánh Cường, Huyện Yên Khánh, NINH BÌNH
Phone 01649491729
Case Bệnh nhân hiểm nghèo, Người nghèo
Other info
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1 Jaikumar  
I have enjoyed your coroufll observations and travelogue with great interest. Your sense of humor and joy of adventure are a pleasure to read about! What a lucky group!Happy trails,Peggy Walker

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