Monday, 25 Feb 03, 21:32
Main » 2011 » August » 30 » One family was miserable scene
One family was miserable scene
One family was miserable scene
The five people, three who falls seriously ill, the unemployed people in the care of patients, while a child is of school age. It's pitiful situation of the family said Nguyen Thi Mai Hoa hamlet chief, Son Hoa commune, Chau Thanh district, Ben Tre province.
Her husband, more than three years before complications have been lying in bed unable to care for themselves. Particularly her advanced age to take primary liver disease for many years but not for drug money ladder is a place that suffered bites. His son, Nguyen Van Ut (SN 1978) make extra tank in the City may not injured spinal fracture bedridden for nearly two years, is being treated in hospital nursing and rehabilitation of District 8, with more cost about 8 million / month. The family had difficulty re deep in strict circumstances, when her unemployed daughter to stay home to take care of his parents, husbands and young children.

Trường hợp
Name Nguyễn Thị Mai
Address , ấp Hòa Chánh, xã Sơn Hòa, Huyện Châu Thành, BẾN TRE
Case Người nghèo
Other info

Views: 1388 | Added by: biketrailtours | Rating: 1.0/1
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1 Bill  
You might be able to get a Working Holiday visa or something and spend a year thnaeicg English in Vancouver sometime. That's certainly a feasible idea, if you could land a job As far as big cities go, Vancouver is certainly one of my favourites. My city of Victoria is across the water from there, and has the West Coast scenery without all the traffic and less crime than Vancouver (although we have our fair share of both). One thing I like about Victoria is that it's not too big and overwhelming. One downside is that there are a lot less opportunities for jobs.

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